
Showing posts from 2019

Diwali-Festivities and Beyond

With colorful fireworks, lighting up the sky, with rangolis covering the floor, with happiness all over, it is the festival of lights. The time of Diwali is one of the most festive and beautiful times of the year. It is a time filled with light and love; a time when people all over the world rejoice. But where there is light, there is darkness too, where there is happiness, there is sadness too, where there is hope there is despair too. Amidst the wave of rejoice, lied a thunderstorm of sorrow. On auspicious day of the festival of lights, when there is luminescence all around, only one tinted street bulb glowed in a small hut. The streetlight flickered as Ramesh sat beside his ailing mother.”Beta, after your father’s death, it’s now your responsibility to take care of your family, and I know I won’t be able live beyond a week. After me you’ve to look after Sita” said Ramesh’s mother as she pointed towards Ramesh’s sister Sita. At the age of twelve Ramesh’s shoulders were burdened

Still Like A Phoenix, I Will Rise

Even in the darkest of nights, my hope will shine bright, Push me into the deepest pits, but still my thoughts will alight. No more tears, but my strength will glow through my eyes, Burn me to ashes,but still like a phoenix I'll rise. How long this journey will be ,I don't know, But I just have some time and miles to go. Only my triumphs you'll hear, not my cries, Burn me to ashes,but still like a phoenix I'll rise . All I have is my head, not my heart that'll make me weak, That will not let me down for I've to climb up to the highest peak. I'm here to fight till each part of me dies, Burn me to ashes,but still like a phoenix I'll rise. Now I'll laugh through my each tear, For there's a whole world ahead of me and I've got nothing to fear. I'll battle with honestly, for I'm done with all those lies, Burn me to ashes,but still like a phoenix I'll rise . What should I fear, when I've nothing t

Tell Me That You'll Stay

The strings of love have wrapped around us, delicate yet tight, The time seems to have lapsed, the moment black and white. I had promised my brain I won't lose control, But seeing you my heart takes over and my brain goes on a stroll. All my paths lead to you, even when we move away, I want you to be by my side and tell me that you'll stay. You've become so precious for me and I don't know how, I just want to say that you mean the world to me now. All the rainbows and sunsets of my life with you, I want to see, 'Coz they look beautiful only when you're with me. Till our bones become weak and our hair turns to grey, I want you to be by my side and tell me that you'll stay. But I won't force you to love me, giving music to my silent song, Because I know that anything that's forced doesn't last long. Now with you, I've started smiling more, The happiness that I'm experiencing, I've never felt before

It's Showtime, Dear

I thought that you were my best, But you turned bad, worse than the rest. You loving me was a lie I told my heart, You lied to me from the very start. God sent to my life not colours, but a chamelion, It's a mystery what I saw in you amongst a million. You tossed away my heart in sorrowful scraps,  How gullible my heart was that it fell into your traps. You left my heart in cracks, but then sunshine entered in, And I pulled myself out of darkness to see what lies within. You cheated on me with every damn act, And then you left me after taking all you could extract. I gave you all of me but you used me as a bait, Each of your blows hit my self respect straight. You've lost all the respect which I once had, But trusting you blindly was completely my bad. But dear, see, now the tables have turned,  You'll now see how your ambitions, right before you, are burned. I will make you pay for each wound, each stab, You'll

Happiness- A choice

In order to swim, you first need to dive into the blue; You need to know that no one else can make you happy apart from you. You don't have to just survive, you need to live, And then you'll find that if you seek, happiness is the only thing life can give. They've seen you descend; now they'll see you rise, With no boundaries, in the limitless skies. But first, you need to remember that you are better than the rest, In our own little worlds, everyone is the best. You'll slowly get over the pain, day by day, Then even if it gets dark, your happiness will find a way. After that, your life will no longer be stranger, Because you'll know the fact, that you are a lone ranger. Not in big days, but your happiness lies in those beautiful little things, By just changing your perspective, you’ll give yourself invincible wings. Happiness lies in our hands, but it's a choice that we often forget to make, Happiness lies in the strong decisions and littl

Left my Soul at Your Threshold

When you went, you pulled the colors of my once colourful skies, Those were beautiful, even if they were lies. Why do I get all the pain? If there was no love,then why is it making me go insane? Why do I care, if you don't? Why do I try to please you, knowing that it won't? My brain wants to move on, but my heart wants to try one more time, Why my soul is made to die, is loving you a crime? I want to go to the past and cling to the things I had there, I wanna just be with you, inspite of knowing that you hardly care. My existence doesn't effect you anymore, Though my love was real, sweet and truly pure. I just want all those things that I once had, May be just for a second, but it'll make me more than glad. With tears, I glance at the things we used to talk, Now I stroll alone, when together we used to walk. You have a place in my heart which no one else can replace, You light my nights and you fill my empty space. I just wanna see you, feel


Open your arms to hold me when I fall in, Put me together, piece by piece, to what I had once been. Be my twilight and my sunrise, As to brighten up my day, your tender smile will suffice . When nobody trusts me tell me that you do, Hold my hand, and tell me that I'm always with you. At the same time, be my weakness and my strength, Even if I ever lose my memory, be my unforgotten nepenthe. Be what I'm addicted to, be thing I can't never get over, In my grim fate, be my four leaved clover. Believe me, love like this will be hard to find, But you'll realise this only when you set your heart over mind. Be the person with whom I count the stars at night,  With other feelings in the air, let our love sublime. Be the shoulder for me to cry on, Be my antidote to forget the things that have gone. A bit of care, a bit of help, is all that I need, A bit of love's ointment when with hatred I bleed. I just want a bit of care, a bit of love

P.S. I've changed

❤ A long time ago, I was a young boy When people used to play with me as a soft toy After they got bored, they threw me as trash And that was the moment all my illusions started to crash. I used to give people all I had, But later I realized, they made my life simply bad; I gave them so much love that there wasn’t anything left, Of all goodness my soul remained bereft. I gave them my soul, my body and my mind That for my own ceased to be loving and kind; I thought only about them, they occupied my head, But how they fiddled with it, was something that was never said. I called it friendship whilst they made me go through hell, But still I hid my scars, and told them that everything was well; And in return of my care, I only got cuts, bruises and scars, And things that compelled me to cry for innumerable hours. They made those unblockable holes in my boat, To fulfill their needs, I was but a mere scapegoat; Back then, I was too gullible and naΓ―

Somewhere in Some other place

I will give you nothing apart from my love and care, I will fight every battle for you if you dare. I'll give you a hundred messages in a single stare, In those little precious moments which we'll share. I may not be able to give you luxuries, silver or gold, But we'll together make a story that forever will be told. In my arms you'll feel like fire, even when outside it'll snow, But when we'll both be together, our souls will glow. With me, I promise you will feel like home, Back there in the meadows, together we'll roam. Love will bloom like roses, in our combined soul, When we will have each other as a whole. Not time, but all these memories will count, As the night descends, our hearts will mount. On the galloping horses of love in the stillness of the night, Not the moon, but our love to make our moments shine bright. As my fingers run through your cascading long hair, We both will make a timeless pair.

Into the Labyrinth

I still remember how it all started five years ago, I had never imagined our bond shattering in a single blow; You left me in a no-man zone, Though you were with me, I always felt alone. I may forgive you but it won't be like before, 'Coz of those misunderstandings which we chose to ignore; For the world I had, but there wasn't anything I could own, Though you were with me, I always felt alone. You never realised, to me you mattered the most, I was a directionless sail, And you were a guiding coast; Even to you the consequences were not unknown, Though you were with me, I always felt alone. How could you just turn your face away? I had always thought that despite everything, you would stay; Those old chats, those captures on my phone, Though you were with me, I always felt alone. You made me feel always left out, Those misunderstandings grew from doubt; It was your ego that flowed ruthlessly in  your tone, Though you were with me, I always felt alone

Familiar with my Mind

Nothing hurt like the lies that you told Not grudges, but memories I only hold You turned me into a monster that never be tamed For that, not just you, even I’m to be blamed With nothing to live for and nothing to lose I have two options- life and death, and the latter one I choose I wished it was a storm in a teacup I wish it was a nightmare from which I could wake up I tried hurting you but I ended up hurting myself instead With those fake truth that I once had in my head Those fake assumptions with so called comforting lies It took years to be born, our friendship now dies I even don't know when did I go so wrong That you had to hide those things from me, for so long I thought I knew you pretty well   But after the breakdown of my illusion, it hurts me like hell I don’t know why you chose to hide   I don’t know why you thought me to be worthless and lied But no need for pity, I’m always fine The only change is that I lost someone, whom

*SOME BEAUTIFUL QUOTES:-* ➡ _We're in a state of oblivion,waiting for the epoch of ephemeral luminescence to commence._ ➡ _We say there are people who know who we actually are,but do we even know ourselves well?_ ➡ _Put your oxygen mask first to help someone else,_ _'Coz happiness is only found where self care dwells._ ➡ _True love is never determined by a ring or a rose,_ _True love is defined by how much you are close._ ➡ _My body and soul now starts to groan,_ _In a world of love where I stand alone._ ➡ _Beauty lies in the beholder's eyes,_ _In the folds of your perspective,your real beauty lies._ ➡ _"They died for immortality as their love reached eternity. Their love was like fire that burnt beyond the worlds."_ ➡ _"For them love was a battle, a battle with pain, a battle with joy. And they died happily while fighting this battle."_ πŸ’«πŸ”₯ ~ The quotes given above have all been written down by a young author and poet, *Vaibh

Through the Trouvaille

Do we even realise how short our life is? Do we will realise importance of a moment until it becomes a memory? Do we even realise the significance of our loved ones until they are gone? The answer to these questions is a big *no*. We all need to accept that life rarely goes as per our wishes. People come and people go, we should avoid repenting on change which is inevitable. Life is too short to ponder upon our petty issues but we forget that and tend to worry about insignificant problems and forget to embrace happiness and love when it seeks us. We don't know what is going to happen the next morrow, but knowing this fact, we tend to act ignorant and waste our life in a stampede of ambitions and desires. Amidst our stressed lifestyle, we forget to seek the prime requisite of our lives -Happiness. Next to happiness, lie our feelings and emotions which most of the people bottle up inside themselves, to pretend to be brave. But does being emotional, means being weak? And if


I would like to announce that I'm taking down my content which I wrote earlier  from my blog as the content is being added in my book. Hope to get an overwhelming response!. Get it here